In chemistry a graph makes a natural model for a molecule, where vertices represent atoms and edges bonds.
Each of the letters represent atoms, while words act as molecules; they interact within the digital interface.
Those balls, as the public calls them, represent atoms in the model, al- though each one is actually a hollow sphere thirty yards in diameter.
Qubits represent atoms that are working together to serve as both computer memory and microprocessor.
The overhead light fixtures are screened with brass bands representing stylized atoms.
This station's logo represents the flame and atoms that appear in the logo of the UANL.
Particles represent whole molecules or fluid regions, rather than single atoms, and atomistic details are not considered relevant to the processes addressed.
Qubits represent atoms, ions, photons or electrons and their respective control devices that are working together to act as computer memory and a processor.
The balls represent atoms, which are often both elastic (rubbery) and slippery.
These figures may represent atoms - carbon and hydrogen and oxygen.