Why else, he asked, were so many white Democrats representing blacks?
Political reform followed too, creating a city government that better represented both blacks and poor whites.
Whites represented 10 to 15 percent and blacks the remaining 5 percent.
Bush's veto was vociferously condemned both within Congress and by interest groups representing women, trade unions, blacks and other minorities.
So the five people elected would have to think about various groups of supporters instead of representing just whites or blacks.
"Also, quite frankly, we felt that it was time for somebody to come along to represent blacks in a qualitative way."
Mr. Cohen helped rally a coalition of organizations representing the elderly, labor, women, blacks, the poor, students and churches.
As a lawyer in Decatur, he sometimes represented blacks.
The movie was one of the first to represent blacks in a positive manner.
In the early 20th century, blackface was still being used to represent blacks in film.