Entrants represent local charities, and KABL supplies snakes borrowed from pet stores to any contestants who might not happen to have a snake of their own.
The 20 groups, representing bishops, priests, nuns, health care workers, universities and charities, expect to announce their collaboration today in Washington.
We have over 500 campaign partners representing companies, associations and charities from a range of sectors: airlines, banks, insurance, media, online, tour operators, trade associations and travel agents.
Homeless Link did the survey, they represent charities across UK.
The decision was also applauded by groups representing charities, labor unions, trade associations and social welfare groups, which worried that regulations would chill their activities.
He has represented nightclub owners and international bookmakers, and charities and colleges.
Guests often represented local charities, community or sporting organisations.
The National Housing Federation, which represents 1,200 housing associations and charities, asked 136 organisations what they had been told to expect by councils.
"I have represented school districts before, and I have represented charities before that have raised funds, but this I think is a new combination," he said.
A hugely diverse number of organizations were represented - local government, charities, mostly hi-tech and computer business (IBM for one).