The research has drawn criticism as potentially representing bias due to the ties to Family First.
It can also represent likely points of delay due to processes such as checkin, security, etc.
The Jazz Age represented a break with tradition, due to the feeling of disconnect created by modernity.
Every year hurricanes represent a potential threat to the islands of the Caribbean, due to the extremely destructive nature of these powerful weather systems.
However, this may represent an increase in total farm expenses due to herbicides being used in place of cultivation for weed suppression.
This represents an exception to the rule that predatory animals are not to be eaten, due to their being haraam.
The list only represents each person's valuation on a single day, due to daily fluctuations among exchange rates and stock valuations.
The resistance represents the loss in the inductor, mainly due to the resistance of the wire.
Navarro said that the newspaper used the image to represent fear in Hispanic immigrants due to Deal's speeches against immigration during his previous election campaign.
It is not uncommon for birds to represent the sky in ancient religions, due to their ability to fly.