Still, leaders of groups representing Chinese scientists and engineers in the United States are concerned about the authorities' handling of the case.
The other unions still without contracts represent engineers, carmen, boilermakers, laborers, track workers, police officers and supervisors.
But as they grow, white-collar organizations - representing engineers, computer technicians, even economists -will be more aggressive with Congress and corporations.
The bill was withdrawn after chief bodies representing engineers petitioned against it.
Out of the meeting in 1916 came a new organization, to represent engineers in all types of mobility-related professions.
Organizations representing professional engineers and architects insist that they are best qualified to inspect buildings.
Louis Albano, president of a local representing 7,000 municipal architects and engineers, said he still supported the proposed city workers' contract.
In the other votes announced this week, Local 375, representing architects and engineers, favored the contract by 1,577 to 903.
Prospect is a United Kingdom trade union which represents engineers, managers, scientists and other specialists in both the public and private sectors.
It is now the largest union representing professional engineers in the UK.