What matters is we're able to have a record number of people who've never been there before, who represent growth in the party.
This represents growth of 92.8% compared to the population in 1996, the earliest year for which statistics are available.
Even the lower level, however, represents solid growth despite a weak economy.
This represented growth of 22% over its 2008 employment figure.
This represented 36% growth over the previous year's number of 937.
For me to get nearly 40 percent of the vote represents growth.
One approach was that the quality of the writing did not matter if the essay represented growth.
This represented roughly 51% growth over the 1996 total of 225,088 persons.
This represented 46% growth over the 1996 total of 12,937 persons.
This represents an increase of 319 people, or 1.2% growth since 1996.