Kryten explains that the symbol, a snake eating its own tail, represents infinity.
Depictions of this form also had a shen ring at the base of each palm stem, which represented infinity.
These points represent "conformal infinity" for space and time.
The ladders, we are told, represent "infinity" and "motion, which can continue in either direction, in itself a kind of entrapment."
Mr. Kelley said that clouds in his artwork "represent infinity, the unknown the human soul proceeds toward."
Sometimes a non-edge is labeled by a special weight representing infinity.
Around 1956, Escher explored the concept of representing infinity on a two-dimensional plane.
M. C. Escher explored the concept of representing infinity on a two-dimensional plane.
John Wallis introduces the symbol to represent infinity.
This was the first mathematical model that represented infinity by numbers and gave rules for operating with these infinite numbers.