The realty board's seven-member negotiating team represents the owners and managers of about 28,000 apartment buildings in the city.
The VAA represents executive staff, managers, academics, professionals and young professionals.
Last December the Board rejected a proposed contract with another county union, the teamsters, who represent middle-level managers, because it included a provision for job security.
"The mayor is out of touch," said Arthur Cheliotes, president of a communications' workers local representing 8,000 city supervisors and middle managers.
Parliament has balked at passing the necessary legislation under pressure from lobbyists representing managers of state companies.
The Civic Union claims to represent managers of Russia's state-controlled industries, which this year have seen a sharp drop in production.
It wasn't clear who banned Meehan, an agent who also represents players, coaches and general managers and is a frequent guest in league press boxes.
Prospect is a United Kingdom trade union which represents engineers, managers, scientists and other specialists in both the public and private sectors.
Levinson was among the agents who once questioned the players union's policy of allowing agents to represent managers and players.
The group, a trade association for commercial and nonprofit organizations in New York City, represents 87 theaters, producers and general managers.