As a lawyer she has often represented defendants on the civil side and indigents charged with offenses on the criminal side.
Usually the graph shows the nodes representing the causes on the left side and the nodes representing the effects on the right side.
The popular aspects of this revival took the shape of several mystical and passionate bhakti movements, represented on the Srivaishnavite side by the twelve alvars.
This field represents those parts of former Electorate of the Palatinate, on the right side of river Rhine.
A 1991 Federal court ruling forced Norfolk to adopt a ward system, after which Fraim represented Ward 2 on the west side of the city.
Bennie Thompson, a Democrat who represents the Delta region on the opposite side of the state in Congress, has called the judge's black supporters "Judases."
Their outcomes are represented on the left-hand side of the matrix, while differences between the outcomes for each treatment are represented on the right-hand side.
The Portland Building (1980) has pillars represented on the side of the building that to some extent appear to be real, yet they are not.
Each half of the body is represented on the opposite side of the brain, with regions corresponding to lips, tongue, fingers and all other parts of the body.
Bill Torrey, general manger of the Islanders, is a member of the nine-man group that represents the owners on the other side of the table.