A group representing waterfront neighborhoods outside Manhattan urged officials yesterday to rebuild city transfer stations that ship waste by water.
In any event, it is not clear that lawmakers representing school districts outside the city would go along with major concessions to the city.
The midmorning traffic was already backing up along the boulevard, fully half of the license plates around him representing states outside Nevada.
The vacuum level represents the potential energy of an electron at rest outside the metal in the absence of an external field.
He asked what it was; Whiz replied that it represented a balcony outside the window.
It included people representing areas outside Java, Islam, women and young people.
The group represents all Igbo communities within and outside Nigeria.
It represents the power of his punch both inside and outside the ring.
As such, it represents the interests of the students within and outside the University.
And for me that whole situation represents black America standing patiently outside the door of American society saying, 'We want our ham.'