She retired as the executive secretary to the president of Plan Inc., an organization in New York that represented hospital-affiliated physicians in negotiations with managed care companies.
The Medical Society of New Jersey, which represents physicians throughout the state, has appointed a panel to study the issue and make a recommendation within the next 45 days.
The Michigan State Medical Society (MSMS) is the professional organization representing physicians in Michigan.
Offices of professional unions -those representing physicians, dentists, lawyers and others - were closed.
That's the take-home message from the North American Menopause Society, an organization representing physicians and other health professionals who treat middle-aged women.
He does not escort women to abattoirs-he represents trained physicians who are skilled and compassionate and who wash their hands before and after.
Twenty percent represent physicians and medical staffs.
On behalf of the Death with Dignity National Center, Eli represented Oregon pharmacists and physicians who were threatened prosecution by John Ashcroft.
But officials with groups representing physicians and patients said the increase would only accelerate the rising of health-care costs in a state where medical care is already highly expensive.
ASCO is the world's leading professional organization representing physicians of all oncology subspecialties.