It is not apparent whether these represent settlers from Ireland, or simply people to whom the label "additional clients" was applied.
To protest the Gaza withdrawal, the Yesha Council, the main group representing settlers, said it had organized 100 rallies across the country on Thursday night.
But if so, the National Religious Party, which represents religious Zionists and settlers, said it would deliberate leaving the government.
The Yesha Council, the political organization that represents settlers, placed six trailers on the site.
There, he represented other settlers in protesting perceived favouritism by land agents in the distribution of property.
This throng of-of blots we see skittering around us may all represent new, willing settlers.
The three characters in the foreground represent early settlers of this city.
The legislature represented settlers from the Straits of Juan de Fuca to modern Montana.
Marmaduke's character represents settlers who were conscious and aware of their intrusive and sometime destructive ways.
Richard's character represents settlers who were ignorant of the land and people they disturbed while trying to make a new life for themselves.