Some works simply represent games or sports, like Andreas Gursky's giant aerial photograph of a soccer game.
Beanies have been used both to represent and promote various sports.
"But that part represents sports, clubs, the school newspaper, class trips - all the things that are especially important in a community like this."
Lehane and his partner Mark Fabiani are retained to represent various corporate, Labor, entertainment and sports organizations.
The figures are posed in various positions, representing different professional and collegiate sports.
At launch there will be four themed spaces, representing action, sports, adventure, and casual games.
At a time of change, two young stars represent conflicting ways of negotiating a complex and often confusing sports world.
Her paintings of the 1920s represent urban entertainments and sports, composed in complex overlapping arrangements that express the dynamism of modern life.
The DBS represents rehabilitation sports, popular sports, and professional sports.
The player can choose from 16 contestants to play as, all representing different sports.