Skills represent a character's chance of successfully performing a group of specific tasks (such as firing a gun, or picking a lock).
Other rulings made in this case represented a "huge step in the recognition of oppressed people [such as slaves] as free-thinking individuals."
The obelus is occasionally used in Polish language typography to represent ranges (such as the range 1 10).
GIS data represents real objects (such as roads, land use, elevation, trees, waterways, etc.) with digital data determining the mix.
In the following calendar for the games, each blue box represents an event competition, such as a qualification round, on that day.
The latter represented a significant portion of the peasants in some territories, such as Aragon, Valencia or Andalusia.
CTU later won an election to represent paraprofessionals (such as school nurses, teachers aides, librarians, counselors, school health personnel and others).
But Cherry had said that his system represented other users as well, such as somebody accessing the database from a computer.
It represents the non-traditional programs, such as Venturing and Sea Scouts.
In the sixties and seventies, several laboratories attempted to build robots that used symbols to represent the world and plan actions (such as the Stanford Cart).