There were 78 candidates representing three main lists, together with 20 independent candidates.
These plumes represent invisible jets of gaseous nitrogen, together with dust.
Wine represents one of the main resources of this region, together with tourism, especially in winter.
In this regard the club's badge represents the fierceness of the lion together with the virtues of sportsmanship.
Hojer represented Czechoslovakia at the 1924 Olympics together with his older brother Antonín.
The database represents a repository of information together with facilities for data manipulation.
All of these things represent major successes, together with outpatient care and other areas which I will not go into now.
President Santer represented the European Union, together with many Heads of State from around the world.
It defines how to represent quality criteria together with measurement requirements and representation of inspection results.
This is used in the case of a 4D dataset, for example, an image sequence that represents 3D space together with another dimension such as time.