The master of the vineyard is Jesus, the vineyard is the world, and the olives represent the lives and works of men.
Album of Martin Kiszko music representing works since 1983.
The entries represent works that a reader has a reasonable chance of encountering rather than a complete catalog.
This was the first cultural program that theatrically represented great works of literature.
It represented works in the collections of AMICO members.
It has been suggested that these three inscriptions represent works from the beginning of Öpir's career.
After Hubbard's death in 1986, ASI continued to represent his literary and musical works worldwide.
Players represent art dealers, both buying and selling works of art by five different fictional artists.
Each player is dealt a hand of cards, which represent works of art that the player may offer for sale.
The remaining four tracks represent collaborative works, one soundtrack appearance and a remix.