For a given base, every representation corresponds to exactly one real number and every real number has at least one representation.
The representation that you have shown here corresponds to the form which is, or was, known as human.
Since every representation of C(R) corresponds to a self-adjoint operator, Stone's theorem holds.
Irreducible representations correspond to simple modules.
An additional 19 seats ("levelling seats") are allocated on a nationwide basis to make the representation in parliament correspond better with the popular vote.
The brain's representations must closely correspond to reality, or saber-toothed tigers would long ago have devoured us.
For example, do our representations correspond to reality?
What we need to do is to ensure that our representation is worthy and corresponds to reality.
The multi-exponential representation corresponds to a division of the pore space into main groups based on (surface-to-volume ratio) values.
These irreducible representations correspond to the symmetry of the orbitals involved.