So far, representatives and senators on the tax-writing committees are not complaining.
And representatives from throughout the region complained that Mr. Clinton had proposed no new operating subsidies for Amtrak.
The French representative in Dayton complained of being cold-shouldered.
Predictably, representatives of upstate and suburban counties complain that the plan asks the rest of the state to subsidize a New York City bailout.
A representative of the merchants complains about the violence in the Aventine killing commerce, "the root of civic virtue."
The representatives of the city eventually complained with duke of Lorraine who proceeded to an inquiry on the spot which joined the assertions of the population.
Moreover, individual senators and representatives from both parties have complained about the substantive quality of briefings and presentations before them.
After a representative of Dr Pepper complained, CBS agreed not to rerun that episode.
The representative of agricultural groups tearfully complained to Mr. Akamatsu about the plight of livestock farmers.
The representatives of the poor complained that the billions spent on going to Mars should be spent instead on food production and housing and education.