China's representative, Li Daoyu, emphasized the "exceptional nature" of today's resolution, saying it was justified only by the chaotic conditions in Somalia.
While representatives of the fund emphasized that they had not yet decided who would receive financial aid, the most likely recipients include Mr. George and Duane R. Clarridge, a former head of the agency's European division.
Still, Mr. Heath and other tribal representatives emphasized that the tribe's main intent was to gain more influence over state environmental policy and push for environmental cleanups in their region.
The Most Affluent Democratic senators and representatives emphasized that higher income taxes would be owed by only the most affluent 1.2 percent of taxpayers, and that families with incomes below $30,000 would pay lower taxes because of an expansion in the earned-income tax credit.
After listening to Mr. Butler today, Russia's representative, Sergei V. Lavrov, emphasized "the need to rely entirely on diplomtic efforts, to be patient and to keep searching for diplomatic solutions," so as not to risk losing the surveillance that the United Nations has put in place in Iraq.
Reports of a deadlock emerged during preliminary discussions on Dec. 2 when representatives from the USA and the Cairns Group emphasized that they would not endorse a general trade agreement unless the EC cut farm support by 75 per cent and export subsidies by 90 per cent.
But representatives of institutional investors emphasized that they are the real parties paying the bill for compliance, and that they are happy to do so.
For the most part, representatives of the 33 other nations taking part emphasized the need for social justice, warning that democracy itself could be threatened by mounting economic difficulties and inequality.
A representative from Northern Telecom, one of the companies providing equipment for the North Carolina system, emphasized in an interview the economies of pairing one teacher with 100 youngsters in six classrooms across the state.