Early May 2000 - Peace talks are held between representatives of the warring factions in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The conference was aimed at bringing together representatives of the warring factions of Somalia to end the civil war that had claimed over 300,000 lives.
The representatives of the various factions were nevertheless hand-picked by Museveni.
The officials said representatives of the three major factions would be arriving in New York throughout the weekend.
The formal seven-man presidency includes representatives of all the major factions.
It is composed of representatives of the factions of the German Bundestag, the federal government, and all federal states.
A UN transitional authority shares power temporarily with representatives of the various factions in Cambodia.
The Junta was composed of the principal representatives of the various factions that were vying for power.
Mr. Oakley met today with representatives of the two main factions and discussed the formation of a city-wide police force.
The underground committees are composed of representatives of the various factions.