It was led by a count elected each year by a council including representatives of the towns, past mayors, and the previous count.
The second house, a lower house (Abgeordnetenhaus), would include representatives of small landowners, the towns and the peasants.
Frederick reformed the administration and extended the powers of the Sicilian parliament, which was composed of the barons, the prelates, and the representatives of the towns.
The first meeting of the representatives of the towns in question took place in 1412.
Former Arab residents of al-Haram testified that before the war, representatives of the Jewish towns assured them they were safe.
From their ranks were also drawn the representatives of the towns and cities when the cortes were convened by kings.
Williams was successful in obtaining this document late in 1643, and it was brought from England and read to representatives of the four towns in 1644.
State officials will meet with representatives of the 12 excluded towns next week to discuss what can be done to keep their beds open.
By the late 15th century, the associate judges of these courts were representatives of the tavernical towns only (and no additional nobles as was the case earlier).
The DYT may also include the representatives of the municipalities and the towns within the dzonkhag.