But representatives of the claimaints oppose the plan, leading many lawyers to question whether the $2.6 billion merger can really take place.
At first, Syrian representatives opposed the ruling of the chairman and requested that the number of returning civilians be limited.
President Clinton has not said whether he will sign the bill, but the administration's representatives on the Internet tax commission have opposed extending the moratorium.
In both the state and the nation, the representatives expressed sympathy but opposed aid.
Despite the scale of the project, the representatives from the counties on the Ohio River still largely opposed the project.
High-ranking representatives of the Defense and State Departments opposed such a move.
Many representatives opposed sending any troops at all.
However, high representatives of the Chaldean Catholic Church opposed the death sentence.
But representatives of the furniture industry oppose the tougher standards for home furniture being advocated by some critics.
Most representatives from the auto-manufacturing states of Michigan and Ohio opposed the renewal.