The lower house had been elected in 1992 and its representatives had passed laws creating new territorial organisations of Croatia.
The House plan must dig deeper to pay for $340 billion in tax cuts that the representatives passed in April.
"Presumably, one representative of the three firms could have attended proceedings to observe reactions and passed his or her observations on to other attorneys as necessary."
After they've dealt with all the tax and financial matters of the estate, the personal representatives pass the remaining assets to the 'beneficiaries'.
The personal representatives may sell or dispose of the assets and pass on the money (or 'proceeds') instead.
Jointly, they can insist that Democratic representatives and senators, who hold a majority in Congress, stop playing politics and pass the bill to appoint a drug czar.
The Governor's momentum helped enabled the two representatives to pass the bill (CS/HB 863 - 1995) through both chambers with only a single dissenting vote.
Although the State Secretary has gone, I am sure that the representatives of the Council will pass this on to him.
Cuba's representative, Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, passed on an escalator with a knowing nod of his cigar.