"Easy Money" leaves the suspicion that when it comes to gambling, the last thing our representatives want is an informed electorate.
So, the French representative at the meeting wanted to know, where were the soldiers needed to make this new American plan work going to come from?
"If the elected representatives of the people want to change that policy, they should begin the process of amending the Constitution."
Vor could not imagine why such an important representative of the evermind would want to see him.
Meggett's representatives don't want to because they don't want to set a number yet.
There was an exception: they were not forced to do this work when a king or his representatives wanted to hunt on their own.
Hey, senators and representatives, you want to know what Americans think of you?
All of these things could be done -if the American people and their political representatives wanted it.
The ecologists and the representatives of areas not so badly threatened by the Horror wanted to spend more money on research.
The representative of the Commission did not want to take a stand on this issue either.