According to Arab Press Network, "despite a generally repressive political climate", there were "signs of positive change," during the 2007 elections.
In today's less repressive culinary climate, some restaurants and their chefs are ready to be open about it.
The repressive political climate lasted until after the Polish October of 1956.
In a repressive climate, it carries the force of political action.
Berthier played a delicate balancing act as a passionate defender of the deaf identity and sign language, while under a repressive social and political climate.
Yet in a repressive political climate they could be interpreted as declarations of independence.
In 1967, amidst the repressive political climate, he formed a band called Almendra with his schoolmates.
"It's a sign of the times and of a new repressive climate toward sexual expression that is totally contrary to New York's rich cultural history."
Last year, the human rights group Americas Watch issued a report criticizing foundation leaders for contributing to "a repressive climate for freedom of expression" here.
"I think it's fair to say that history will look back at the period and note that it was an extremely repressive climate."