That enmity is born of decades of repressive rule and irresponsible social policy.
In fact, it is the happy outcome of an act of cultural subterfuge against a repressive rule.
They stood up and resented the repressive and automatic rule of the Nawabs.
Many Angolans seem unwilling to forgive the Government for the suffering brought on by years of repressive rule.
A few months ago it looked as if the military junta in Myanmar might ease its repressive rule slightly.
The Taliban followed, instituting a repressive rule and waging war against its foes for seven years.
Her unconventional style, she says, was also "a reaction to the discipline of journalism" and the repressive rules it imposes.
Most experts on the territory are convinced that after two decades of repressive Indonesian rule, voters will seek independence.
Pro-democracy groups, in response, have developed a strategy of "political defiance" to challenge the military junta's repressive rule.
As Putinism is developing - repressive rule through money and media control - it will be the last example Iraqis need.