The process was especially widely used in England from the mid-eighteenth century, to reproduce portraits and other paintings.
But my forte," he added, "is reproducing Flemish paintings for buffets - mixtures of fruits and flowers spilling out of containers.
Microsoft has already taken licences on cartoon characters' voices and electronic rights to reproduce famous paintings.
"You mean all artists on earth are only reproducing paintings already in existence here?"
Chromoxylography was additionally used to illustrate natural history books and to reproduce paintings.
From the late 1710s until shortly before his death, he reproduced numerous paintings for various books.
Small canvases reproducing contemporary paintings lined the table.
The purpose of the club was to create and promote etchings that did not merely reproduce existing paintings, but were original creations of art in their own right.
He also developed a method for reproducing paintings mechanically.
Painters reproduced famous nineteenth-century Russian paintings, often of the Peredvizhniki School, to be hung in the administrative buildings.