Several excellent reproductions of Boucher, Fragonard, and Watteau hung about the walls.
A reproduction hangs in its place at Jefferson University.
The walls were distempered an ascetic pale gray, and various reproductions hung upon them.
This treaty is considered of such importance in the field of international relations that a reproduction of it hangs in the United Nations headquarters.
From then on, only reproductions were hung on the wall, while the real mirrors, now restored, where kept inside the building.
On the walls hung reproductions of the world's artistic masterpieces and some good water-colour sketches.
You will recall this work, a New Yorker cover, because reproductions of it hang in just about every apartment in this city.
A reproduction of a Chardin still life hangs near a diagram of cuts of beef.
From the coffered ceiling hangs an electric reproduction of the original gas chandelier.
This treaty is so significant that a reproduction hangs in the United Nations headquarters.