Policies that promote the economic, social, political and civil rights of women infuse reproductive options with real meaning and effectiveness.
It is supposedly not oppressive, but about genes, health, medical benefits and reproductive options.
HIV-infected pregnant women should receive information regarding all reproductive options.
Coupled with the habitat fragmentation faced by the species, this behavior limits the number of sexually mature individuals in each fragment of the population, limiting reproductive options.
While adoption has long been a viable option, some women consider other reproductive options, including the use of donor eggs.
This would not be unusual if she were a conservative who harbors misgivings about the expansion of women's reproductive options.
--It would be more correct to say the organization offers a variety of reproductive options and defends a woman's right to choose.
So, too, human cloning, if it proves safe and effective, will likely become just another reproductive option for people who cannot reproduce otherwise.
Donations from fertile men who wish to preserve their reproductive options.