The end of a woman's reproductive phase is called the menopause, which commonly occurs somewhere between the ages of 45 and 55.
The main reproductive phase is in summer and autumn.
But once they're past the reproductive phase, they've got varying traces of it.
The planulae live free-swimming for a while but eventually attach themselves to some solid surface, where they begin their reproductive phase of life.
When individuals can reproduce more than once, a longer survival in the reproductive phase increases the number of offspring, called survival selection.
Like many species that have to make their own way in a hostile environment, milkweed is also rather prolific in its reproductive phase.
Because Njangsa is dioecic, it is difficult to identify male and female trees before the reproductive phase.
In some animals, there is an alternation between parthenogenic and sexually reproductive phases (heterogamy).
As the food supply runs out, the plasmodium stops feeding and begins its reproductive phase.
Certain plants (e.g. most strains of cannabis) emit a distinctive odor during their reproductive phase.