Studying the history of marriage customs may show that some of today's reproductive practices may not be as revolutionary as they are sometimes made out to be.
The Bhlemphroims have unusual reproductive practices.
The aliens also sometimes question the abductees about life on earth, or on their reproductive practices.
A clue as to how to improve matters: Catholic women in the developed countries already ignore the teachings of their own church on reproductive practices.
Revolutionary practice changes the condition within which reproductive practice must necessarily reproduce misleading appearances.
This reproductive practice may be due to the fact that finding a mate deep in the ocean at the appropriate time is difficult.
The Church holds abortion and contraception to be sinful, thus affecting the reproductive practices of women.
We cannot allow our emotions to cloud the need for controls over a reproductive practice that will not go away.
It is theorized that this sediment contaminating these streams are inhibiting both the feeding and reproductive practices of the Chucky Madtom.
The researchers discovered that the snail can shift its reproductive practices depending on whether there are likely to be parasitic worms in the water.