In many reproductive techniques, more embryos are generated than can be implanted safely at one time.
Even if you're using assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization, fertility drugs are still an important part of treatment.
These fertility drugs are often used in combination with assisted reproductive techniques or artificial insemination.
An interplay between immediate and reproductive techniques emerges, but to uncertain purpose.
But medicines or assisted reproductive techniques may still be effective.
The study thus is exploring both the personal and the wider societal issues of the new infertility services and high technology reproductive techniques.
Their 3-month-old twin boys were conceived using high-tech reproductive techniques and a surrogate mother.
There may be a higher risk of birth defects for babies conceived by certain assisted reproductive techniques.
In private sector, there are many centers offering private treatment for infertility including the assisted reproductive techniques.
At present, the law applies to artificial insemination but does not cover all assisted reproductive techniques.