He had put it on the market through a reputable broker for $11 million, and the price certainly did not seem out of line.
Therefore, the swindler might be a man who knows the jewel business; but he is not a reputable broker.
Bankers confirm that a reputable broker can indeed be most valuable when borrowers are too busy to complete forms themselves.
There are few reputable and experienced Russian brokers to handle any sales.
Also, remember to go through a reputable broker to get the best deal.
Many reputable brokers offer the borrowers a range of rates and fees.
(Regardless of how the fee is figured, reputable brokers say a customer should never pay more than if he walked into a bank.)
Next morning he changed his clothes and went into the city to inquire for a reputable broker.
Buyers who are boldface names or come represented by a reputable broker can get a showing pretty quickly.
But tenants and reputable brokers say that the number of swindles is on the rise.