For this reason, it is important that the consumer ensure that a reputable and honest contractor is used for the initial set-up.
Make sure you talk to several reputable contractors before making the final decision.
Mrs. Sanborn was pleased to learn, shortly afterward, that no reputable contractor would undertake the erection of the house.
"People are usually reluctant to ask these questions, but a reputable contractor or subcontractor will be happy to answer them."
It could be argued that, if a reputable and specialist contractor is employed to administer the orthodox treatment, this has the advantage of coming with the reassurance of a guarantee.
A reputable, qualified contractor, he said, will usually replace an existing toilet with one of the better-performing brands - or should be able to justify installing an unproven model.
Moreover, Mr. Grandstaff said, reputable contractors will always provide customers with detailed written contracts that contain a clause that gives the consumer three days to cancel the agreement.
Mr. Pell, who has known the Serils since 1985, said that as far as he knows, Mrs. Seril always had work done promptly and properly by reputable contractors.
A reputable contractor will be willing to offer a warranty covering the work as well as the materials used.
If you're dealing with a reputable contractor, that's not a problem.