Gaston Bullock Means was born in Concord, North Carolina, the son of William Means, a reputable lawyer.
He replied: "It doesn't make any difference if he's a Democrat or a Republican as long as he's a reputable lawyer.
Many adoptive parents say they received requests for extra money for the birth mothers, and while reputable lawyers would not approve of this, some lawyers make the requests themselves.
He hesitated and then said, "If you do come to the States, which I advise, I also think that you should place your affairs in the hands of some reputable lawyer there."
I am told there are reputable lawyers in the town; find me one who is reliable so that I may discover more of my uncle's affairs in the islands.
A reputable lawyer can gauge the likelihood of success and provide an estimate of costs, typically $1,000 to $10,000, depending on a case's complexity.
Her ownership was certified by reputable lawyers in France and Geneva, and Mrs. Pesnel provided papers as well.
After his university education, he started a legal practice and from the very beginning gained a name as a reputable lawyer.
General - Purchasing property Before buying property in Mexico, you should seek advice from a reputable and professionally qualified lawyer.
A reputable adoption agency, a reputable lawyer.