In many human cases, a strong reputation built through costly signalling enhances a man's social status over the statuses of men who signal less successfully.
Ufi, which runs the Learndirect adult learning service, said continuing the deal would not "protect and enhance" its reputation.
All Whites travel back with both pride intact and reputation enhanced.
I have no doubt that you will emerge from it with your reputation enhanced.
While The Naturals reputation has enhanced over time, critics were not universally impressed when the film first appeared.
A national reputation for industriousness enhanced this process considerably.
According to Fombrun, a good reputation enhances profitability because it attracts customers to products, investors to securities and employees to its jobs.
The reputation of the work was much enhanced when Koussevitsky took it up shortly afterwards.
She added that The Atlantic's reputation for rigorous fact-checking would enhance the credibility of the piece.
He may be the only banker to come out of the financial crisis with his reputation enhanced.