He had the reputation of a chaste and temperate man.
"He's got the reputation of a man who keeps his word, and that's especially important if you hope to be an effective party leader."
He had the reputation of a man who was cunning yet fair.
He had the reputation of a kindly man, much respected by those who worked for him.
Mr. Strauss has the reputation of a man who can get things done.
On the other hand he is best known today for his bizarre will, giving him the reputation of a vindictive old man.
Get the reputation of a man who knows what it's all about.
By that time he had the reputation of a hard man to handle.
Kunjachan had the reputation of a holy man even while he was alive.
We're taking these steps to protect the reputation of a remarkable young man, whom you and I knew, each in our special way.