Where a mere naljorpa fought at close range by temporarily paralyzing an unwary opponent, a dubchen had the reputed power to strike at a distance.
The team also took advantage of the reputed inspirational powers of the stone, acquiring one and consulting it at tense moments during the project.
I will have an overview of the current strengths of the various dramliz on planet, and a comparison of reputed powers.
The notorious mobleader knew the reputed power of The Shadow.
I was beginning to see how formidable the man was, even without his reputed super magical powers.
Phil told them stories of the holy men of the east and their reputed powers, and of Saint Francis and the birds.
In effect, he was living up to his reputed power of invisibility.
Thus, while my actual power was nominal, my reputed power was greater than ever before.
These amulets are extremely sought after and expensive due to their reputed powers.
It is to The Times, however, and to its cadre of influential reviewers, with their reputed power to make or break, that he invariably returns.