For much of last year, Mr. Solarz was facing a Federal inquiry into his dealings with a Hong Kong businessman with reputed ties to organized crime.
In 1960, it was sold for $10.5 million to a group including Samuel Cohen, Morris Lansburgh, and Daniel Lifter, Miami residents with reputed ties to organized crime.
But because of his reputed ties to organized crime, he was denied bail by Judge Barrington D. Parker Jr., who said he could pose a danger to others.
The most notable was when the United States last month barred American banks from facilitating certain transactions, including the sale of oil, for a leading Iranian bank with reputed ties to terrorist groups.
Mr. bin Laden, who was stripped of his Saudi citizenship in 1994 because of his reputed ties to terrorists, is believed to be living in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
The prosecutors, then under a gag order imposed during preparations for that trial, did not publicize Mr. Ruiz Massieu's reputed ties to Mr. Garcia Abrego at the time.
And neighbors were shocked by Mr. Izzi's reputed ties to the mob.
D'Aubuisson's reputed ties with the violent right wing, however, militated against him.
Mr. Sasso, who was secretary-treasurer of the local at the time, was also charged with failing to look into Mr. Cody's reputed ties to organized crime while he was the local's president.
But another apparent reason for the shake-up has become public in recent days: at least 11 precinct commanders are under investigation for reputed ties to a cocaine retailing ring operating in city markets.