Forsyth counterclaimed requesting damages to fix the pool as it should have been.
Rennie was again recalled in 1805, when the mill owners complained about leakage through the locks and requested damages.
Bivolaru has requested damages from the Romanian state for being sentenced to mandatory psychiatric treatment during the Communist regime.
Yale countersued, requesting damages and reassignment of the patent.
Zomba representatives alleged the posts had taken place over the course of the previous three months, and requested real and punitive damages as well as legal costs.
If the copyright owner brings a civil action against you, the owner can stop you from using its software immediately and can also request monetary damages.
They further requested compensatory damages for lost wages and health benefits.
Righthaven claimed "willful" infringement and requested statutory damages, which can reach as high as $150,000 per infringement.
In February 2006, the charity and the two lawyers who say they were wiretapped sued to stop the program, requesting financial damages.
In filing with the court, the teacher has requested punitive special damages against Pampa school district for intentionally violating the Texas Open Meetings Act for several years.