In return, he requested immunity for himself and his fiance.
Other witnesses have requested immunity but have been refused.
Meanwhile, fearing conflict with the powerful Ottomans, Isfendiyar requested immunity from Beyazid in return for being subject to Ottoman reign.
Upon going to the prosecutors, Dean also requested immunity, which was not granted despite his many revelations.
Kellie Kirkner requested immunity from prosecution - she, too, had hit and struck her spouse, she eventually testified.
Mr. Lasdon added that he would request immunity for former workers who testify.
Rodriguez has requested immunity in exchange for his testimony on the tape recordings.
United had requested immunity from antitrust laws, allowing it to negotiate directly with other carriers on schedules from O'Hare.
You asked if Mr de Magistris requested immunity or if it is an automatic procedure?
Law-enforcement officials said that, as a condition of testifying before a grand jury, he had requested immunity from prosecution.