The device is still fairly new, plus it requires a large portion of a ski shop's floor space, so only about 55 are available around the country.
It will require a portion of the appropriation for necessary expenses, and I am sorry to say that there are members who will have to be seen.
Especially it would require a generous portion of luck.
State policy requiring a greater portion of taxes to be paid in cash influenced the increased production.
The water company said that they only required a small portion of the site and, if avoidable, they wouldn't even take that.
What I mean is, while the Meetings get smaller, each requires a bigger portion of our manpower and machin- ery.
Many workers cannot afford to live where they work, and even in moderately priced communities housing costs require a large portion of household income.
In June 1994, he proposed a welfare bill that would have required a substantial portion of public assistance recipients to go to work.
This support, however, still requires a certain portion of that produce.
The legislation required a portion of the costs, estimated at $10-25 million, to be raised within five years of passage of the bill.