The curriculum requires about 80 to 120 hours of work, which can take from three months to more than a year to complete.
An average picture measures 12 by 12 inches and requires about 80 hours to complete; prices range from $800 to $10,000 (to order 212-591-2088).
About 20 percent take a minor in environmental science, which requires about 18 hours of credits.
And that's when I learned the biggest drawback to electric cars: a full charge requires about five hours.
Hand embroidering a belt requires about 48 hours of labor.
The process begins with the body's submersion in fluids for 77 days and is complex, requiring about 1,000 hours of labor over six months.
At the other extreme is the 1040, which requires about 12 hours to deal with - a bit more if collateral forms are added.
Rendering one minute of two-dimensional animation on a computer requires about four and a half hours.
Journeys require about 6 to 10 hours hiking per day.
Each lecture required about eight hours of typing and illustrating to make it clear for online students.