But making such a large improvement would require amending the State Constitution, a process so arcane that few even attempt it.
That would require amending the state Constitution, and that is exactly what should be done.
These measures will require amending articles 76, 77, and 88 of the Constitution as soon as possible.
To overturn that decision would require amending the Constitution, and the necessary huge majority for that is not there.
To change the system would require amending the Constitution.
Such change requires amending the State Constitution, a multiyear process.
A change to the board's makeup would require amending the Michigan Constitution.
It would be a gross error, however, not to open up straight away a second track that does not require amending the Treaty.
Sometimes what the legislature wishes to accomplish cannot be done simply by the passage of a bill, but rather requires amending the state constitution.
Such changes would require amending the State Constitution.