Because mounting requires considerable skill and a trained eye, the work should be done by a professional.
The job, it is generally agreed, will require a sharp eye, a steady hand and decisive moves, with little time for reflection.
He said no experience is necessary for the job, which requires a sharp eye and a pair of scissors.
Both require planning, coordination, technical expertise, patience, time and an eye for detail.
If this view is right, successful semantic representation requires an eye on our own position in the world.
Both require a knowledge of profitable corner locations, an experienced eye for potential addicts, and a steady.
Delta-Es of 2 to 4 are considered good and require a sensitive eye to spot the difference.
Toward the middle of the game, with 14 or more cards in sight, it requires a sharp eye to prevent overlooking stops.
Protesting a war that hasn't begun requires a constant eye on the calendar of government action.
This requires an eye for composition, as well as knowing how to get the best from your camera.