More likely, the eventual success of the peaceful strategy will require, at some point, quiet, behind-the-scenes negotiations regarding the issues that precipitated the Iraqi aggression.
At least 70 percent of people over age 65 will require some long-term care services at some point in their lives.
We are also evaluating your practice of euthanasia, and may require further testimony from you at some point in the future.
Each song includes solo performances by members of the choir and almost always require improvisation at some point.
Symptoms of lumbar spine problems that may require surgery at some point include:
(2) Kidney disease develops, and dialysis or kidney transplant is required for treatment at some point.
Two-thirds to three-quarters of patients with Crohn's disease will require surgery at some point in their lives.
It has been estimated that as many as 5% of all patients with diabetes require surgery at some point during their lives [3].
More than 90 percent of the engineering programs require at least one internship (typically in a business setting) at some point in the curriculum.
The world is filled with such hot spots, most of which will require our focused attention at some point in the next five, ten, even twenty years.