The analysis of the fresco's condition and the restoration procedures require extreme delicacy.
As Floyd observed: "a sensation had been engendered which required great delicacy and caution in touching."
Unfortunately, he is too unpredictable to accomplish missions that require stealth and delicacy.
This of thing," he said, "requires delicacy, discretion, and ice.
Simply to pass risks a sense of purposelessness; but the purposefulness of approach requires delicacy and tact.
The piece requires delicacy, to express the real awfulness she senses in her life.
And discussing safety in a region still struggling with a 2005 disaster requires delicacy.
He would like others, but this form of literary ambulance-chasing requires delicacy.
It is important to note that relaxation tests are extremely difficult to perform because maintaining the condition in a test requires considerable delicacy.
The plan, while sound, would require delicacy.