In the second such ruling in three weeks, a federal appeals court said yesterday that the 1996 law requiring mandatory detention without bail of certain immigrants who have committed crimes was unconstitutional.
Booking-arrests require detention for a time-frame ranging 1 to 24 hours.
Adequate TB control can require detention as long as 12 to 24 months of treatment.
The only people who will actually require detention are petty criminals, everyone else will be reformed in medical facilities.
The bill also requires indefinite military detention for suspects.
Or Congress' nonsensical efforts to require military detention of terrorist suspects, even when criminal prosecution may be the surest way to get wrongdoers quickly and permanently off the streets.
There are never more than 30 to 40 kids in Westchester who have committed serious crimes, who have robbed or raped someone and who require detention.
The 1996 immigration law requires detention and deportation of such convicted aliens.
First of all, when you find an infected animal you serve B.205 DT Form A, which is the notice requiring detention and isolation of the animal.
Since 1982, the Immigration Service has required detention for virtually any undocumented alien stopped upon entering the country.