According to the ID project, economic democracy is the authority of demos (community) in the economic sphere - which requires equal distribution of economic power.
Finally, the third basis for prosecution - "the distribution of a work being prepared for commercial distribution"29 - requires distribution and therefore is not applicable to streaming.
"This is a huge market that requires a great tasting product, good marketing, lots of money and good distribution."
"But our leather goods require exclusive distribution."
On the Internet, a product doesn't require a central host and it doesn't require central distribution, it just spreads.
"Some plans require distribution immediately upon death," Mr. Wickersham said, especially employer-managed plans.
The last alternative is the least environmentally-sound, since it requires widespread distribution of large amounts of poison.
Semi-arid grasslands require even distribution of water and nutrients.
A new concept or product just entering the life-cycle may require intensive distribution to start with to launch it onto the market.
It also requires fair distribution of common resources and policies which prevent social exclusion and unemployment.