Alternatives include aminosalicylates alone, though only a minority are able to maintain the treatment, and many require immunosuppressive drugs.
It requires expensive, "second-line" drugs, which must be taken for years instead of months, and which have many side effects.
Fluid might also be surrounding the lungs, which would require drugs and drainage to treat.
This Arm was passed on to Kresnik, who requires drugs in order to use it.
Although some people are able to maintain remission with aminosalicylates alone, many require immunosuppressive drugs.
That demonstrates how much reducing urban violence requires tough policies against guns as well as drugs.
Yet this additional tier requires staff, drugs, and managerial support.
The petitions requested the agency to require homeopathic drugs to be tested for efficacy.
Some scientists say true breakthroughs will require drugs that work through new mechanisms, like adjusting the body's natural sleep-wake cycle.
Both of these conditions require drugs which McKenzie has stated he cannot afford.